Members in good standing with Vernon & District Immigrant and Community Services Society (VDICSS) are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting, on Monday, September 21 at 5 P.M.
The 2019 Annual Report can be viewed here.
To attend the Annual General Meeting, we ask that a membership fee of $5 (valid for the coming year) is paid. Your membership is important to the agency and the community so we can continue to provide necessary services and be in compliance with the Society’s mandate.
Due to our office closure, we kindly ask that you either mail your membership payment to the agency at:
#100 – 3003 30th Street
Vernon, BC V1T 9J5
or you can drop off an envelope with the payment through the mail slot at:
#106 – 3003 30th Street, Vernon.
A receipt will be mailed out to once your payment is made. Please include your mailing address within your payment.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we will be hosting this year’s meeting virtually, via Zoom.
Please RSVP your attendance to Maritza Reilly via email: maritza.reilly@vdicss.org by September 14. All confirmed attendees will receive a Zoom link prior to the meeting.
Thank you in advance for your timely response and we hope to see you on September 21.
Philipp Gruner, CEO
Vernon & District Immigrant and Community Services Society